5:27 AM. I never post at 5:27 AM.

Nov 23, 2003 05:27

But then again, why should I? I should normally be asleep right now. Most people in the Eastern Standard Timezone are. But not my neighbors. Oh, hell, no. See, they made up. The kept me up last night with loud sex. Yeah, more of the usual. But that was last night. This is, or was, tonight. This time, I was online a little after midnight, considering the bed. Then I hear all kinds of angry yelling from next door. But, what? Wasn't your sex good enough last night to get you through twenty-four hours without a fight? I guess not, because this time, there came lots of rumbling sounds, loud thumps, the sound of things breaking and being overturned, plus some very angry growls and very startled and desperate screams. So naturally, I dropped my connection instantly and 911'd for help. Luckly (and luck had nothing to do with it) two cruisers were 69'ing down by the corner store, and arrived within a minute of my call. At last, I thought, an end to the turmoil.

Wait, I forgot, these are Statesboro Police. They took them both, together, into the apartment and sat them down, talked to them for about five minutes, and left. See, in Statesboro, you're only arrested if you might be doing drugs or worshipping Satan. Of course, there's always the vast realm of traffic violations, but this didn't involve a car, drugs, or Satan, so it wasn't important.

They were fighting again 30 minutes later, which puts the time at around 1:00 am.

By 3:30 am, they were fucking again.

By 4:12, they were finished fucking and appeared to go to sleep.

By 4:18, I was playing Unreal Tournament at full volume with my speakers pointing at the wall.

By 5:27, I am red-rimmed eyed, and updating my journal.

The minute the front office opens, I'm filing a complaint. Seems there's a clause in the lease about noise violations. 2 reports are grounds for eviction. I'm through putting up with this shit. It's been a week since I had a solid night's rest. Let's see how fast I can bring about a resolution.

rant, t-dogg & rhonda

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