What? That was all? What the hell?

Nov 18, 2003 21:39

This HUGE MEGA HELL DEATH STORM (of Doooooom) the news and the locals were all wailing and gnashing teeth over turned out to be nothing more than normal rain and 5-10 minutes of strong winds early this morning. I jumped in the shower for work, and by the time I got out, it was completely indistinguishable from any other typical rain shower. It didn't even start raining until I was finished with breakfast, and wasn't even heavy. This makes me sad, because I was really hoping for Wild Catastrophic Weather. It is too bad I was right last night about it being little more than a meteorological fart. Bah!

I would like to go back to bed and have more dreams about intensely erotic encounters again.

There just isn't enough sensuality among people these days. Everyone's too afraid to be wounded and hurt, it has become the norm to scoff and snort at anyone trying to be intimate and openly sensual. I recall an incident a long, long time ago, about 11 years past, where a girl spent the night at my place, kind of by accident, as she had had a dizzy spell (brought on by diabetes) that made her feel unsafe to drive. So we (me, her, and her friend) hung out at my place and eventually all crashed for the night in my bed. The girl had a bit of a reputation in social circles for sleeping around, but had made a point some time before then to let me know she wasn't interested in me. However, at one point in the middle of the night, I woke up facing her, and she opened her eyes, and we shared a very nice kiss. That was it, though. We didn't do anything else, possibly because I fell immediately back to sleep, but she could have woken me up.

We never really spoke of it, but never made any other connections like that night. It wasn't necessary. Though we never really became any thing more than just casual, passing friends, it seemed like we were quite comfortable around each other after that. It was kind of like we had come to understand there was no threat of aggression towards each other, and so we had never had to worry about anything we said or did when the other was around.

I know that sounds glamourized, and perhaps it was, but it was a nice, minor, but interesting situation. I wish I had more closer (socially, emotionally, and geographically) friends who can share a similar feeling of trust between them and myself.

weather, women, contemplation, living

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