(no subject)

Aug 19, 2008 11:02

Maybe I'm missing something, but when I tell Firefox 3 to accept cookies, I was under the impression it would remember about sites that record my login info in a cookie, and use that cookie to auto-log me in, like Firefox 2 did. Not like I am about to strain a knuckle or anything, but some of my login passwords are required to be huge and hard to remember, and I trusted FF2 to handle that sort of thing... FF3 does not know some of those long, complicated passwords, and some of those were generated by a password service, and were not invented by myself. Also, sites with a "remember me/keep me logged in" option do not do so. I realize that Firefox can remember passwords for me, buuuuut... that's too centralized, and still I'd really rather not have to go to those sites and request a new password from all my sites, some of which require more than the usual "respond here to reset password" deal...

Anybody more web-savvy than me with an answer to this? I like to consider myself internet-literate, but this logic error's solution escapes me.


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