Let's see...

Jul 20, 2008 20:43

Batman movie. Should rename it, "Joker Steals The Show". Batman sucks. He totally blows chunks. Especially with that "I need a glass of water, quick!" tough-guy voice. I'm sorry Heath Ledger died. He would've been stellar in any sequels. And Harvey Dent kept making me think of the A-Team's Face... Oh, snap, there's a pun in there somewhere.

Girl started her new job today. It went uneventfully. So uneventful that she stepped it up and ran the register and helped people well before they had really expected her to be ready to do so. I guess they didn't put two and two together. Retail is retail, and only the product and the marketing change. At any rate, it looks like the game store is so much nicer than the bookstore in terms of associate policy, insurance, personal days, etc. etc. A very good find for her. Bought her a tiny plush Wall*E and a small bag of cinnamon sticks (she likes) and promised her a nice cooked meal day after tomorrow.

Still no luck for me, though. Though they're cutting hours at Josh's job, at least now we'll have a second, real income, and I can stop worrying so much about our future and spend more thought on our present.

Moving at the end of the month. Money will be crunchy-tight as we pay deposits and such, but everything will be cheaper over there. I'm still leery over the internet situation. Time-Warner is really not very cooperative when it comes to their billing website. For about a year now, they tell me I need to pay my bill, and the website still says, Balance = $0. Skipping the details and the 7 attempts to fix that, I will probably just go back to having them send me a paper bill in the mail.

danielle, work, woohoo!, josh, money, living

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