(no subject)

Jul 02, 2008 22:56

We signed off an administration fee for the new apartment. It's smaller, a two-bedroom affair, but since the rent is hundreds less, we're going to manage. We're losing some couches, the large Couch of Love having finally broken down. The Couch of Love has seen so much sex, it's rather impressive it doesn't smell like crotch. I myself have had three different women on it in the past. Unfortunately, the extremely comfortable couch's frame has snapped at a crucial point, and the right half of it is barely being held up by the wall it's leaning against. The other two love seats are just not going to come with, as we are donating them, and Josh is going to supply us with a new, full living room arrangement. That leaves two desks, two beds, my grandma's antique dining table, and a mess of bookshelves. We might invest in an entertainment center when we have real money again. Maybe.

We're not moving until the end of July, but since we've got so much free time, we've already half-packed our stuff and crammed it into Tim's old room. I reckon it'd only take a couple of days to fully pack up, and one more day to get the essentials like food, dishes, and clothes all wrapped up, too. Ready to go.

Got a call from Scott, a guy I've not seen since my childhood. I was kind of surprised he remembers me. We're going to a gathering at his place Saturday evening.

Helped demonicanevil get fully packed up a couple days ago, but her funding hasn't cycled through yet, so the poor dear is now floating homeless. I truly hope the money comes through for you, hon, and you can get out of your friend's place and into your own.

home, roommate, friends, nostalgia, living

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