The rubdown, er, rundown of the day's events.

Jun 21, 2008 04:06

Didn't sleep too late, and what I slept for was pretty good, despite waking up a couple of times. Sat with the wife for a couple hours and watched her Stumbleupon for a bit. Entirely mundane, but it was a casual day. Called the bank over the fraud transaction, and they say that Tuesday is now the day of reckoning. I will reckon on that when I get my money back. Then demonicanevil gives me a call and asks for some packing help. I agree, and after lunch and some semi-responsible dawdling, and a stop by to check on employability at a nearby retailer, we pack a few boxes and chat a good bit until we run out of packing tape. Before we leave, demonicanevil thoroughly abuses my back and shoulders in a most physically forceful, yet pleasurable way before bringing me back home. Honestly, her massage ability is sooooo good, I would keep her on retainer if I could afford such. I still feel warm and sore in the places where she crushed my muscles, but they are soft and flexible muscles now. I keep leaning and twisting my neck, back, and shoulders, testing out how it feels to not be all bunched up again. It feels like that delicious soreness one gets the day after a hard workout. Mmmmmm...

Oh, and the retailer was very interested in me. Not thrilled by the option, but income is a necessary burden, and if they pay more than Unemployment does, I gotta take it. The unemp. money is a bit less than we need, even with some bills put on hold. We'll see...

This kitten has groooown...


danielle, pictures, alex, home, kitties!, friends

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