Mute button

Apr 12, 2008 03:17

This post is going to be fairly meta. My apologies. There's a lot going on with me right now. Some of it I said I wouldn't talk about on here. Just wanted to say that I'm on a roller coaster, not even sure if I am going up or down at the moment. I think, at this moment, I am in a much better grasp of things than in the last month. There are still problems to deal with, things to talk about, etc. But I am pretty sure I can see light up ahead. I wanted to say something like this, about this, even though I am not going to talk directly about things. I just had to get stuff off my chest somehow.

I do say one thing, though. Be careful about radically changing your dietary habits. The consequences can come from way out behind your peripheral awareness.

Also, before anyone starts thinking this, no, Danielle and I are not splitting. We're fine, the wedding is still on, etc, etc, so don't worry about that, those of you who might do so. She's a wonderful woman, and immensely patient with me, and I don't think anything could split us up. The longer I am with her, the more certain I am of that.

Speaking of which, anyone who wants to be on the invite list for the wedding, email me your address to my Gmail account, please. We have decided on a design for our invites, and just need to know who's going to get one, though some of you are definitely on the list already, whether you can make it or not. :)

exploration, food, change, stupid, health, living, danielle, contemplation, girlfriend, blah, wedding

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