(no subject)

Feb 18, 2008 08:42

Eating cereal just now, bleary-eyed and languorously waking up slowly on a nice day off. My eyes were completely unfocused but staring absently at the keyboard in front of me. Then my eyes kind of re-focused, but crossed a bit, for just a moment. You know how you do when you're looking at one of those Magic Eye pictures, or the 3-D pics where the two angles are side-by-side and you cross your eyes to overlap them and bring out the third dimension? Well, when my eyes re-focused, the keys on my keyboard lined up just like that and visually jumped out at me.

Now I'm confused. The keyboard is already 3-D, it's not a flat picture. So I made a 3-D view out of a 3-D object. But if doing that to a 2-D image adds a third dimension... Did I just look at a 3-D object and see into the fourth dimension????


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