Updatula Erratica

Jul 07, 2007 03:29

I suppose that I could probably type this out faster if I actually did it on my computer, but I figure that I should get used to using the Wii controllers, and browsing online through the console is some good practice. So, yeah, we broke down and got a Wii. Actually, I should say I broke down, because Tim, a long-time Nintendo fan, was already in love with it, and Danielle saw an adorable game coming out soon, and... Well, my Gamecube was dying anyway. So for those of you with a Wii, our number is 7436 5749 5950 9438. So far, it appears to be a big step away from the usual twitch-fingered psycho-button-mashing game system. I think Nintendo is really on to something here, and quite possibly has made the first "Computer For Dummies". This ought to be a huge victory for them in terms of innovation.

But you don't want to hear about that. No, you want to hear about our new apartment. Well, it's a little bigger than the last one, but that's mostly because of the extra bedroom. We have now accquired Robin as a roommate. This not a bad thing since her financial help is greatly appreciated, and she's fairky responsible about her messes. (except for the dishes, but I'm going to hush because we've only been here about a week.) And for those of you who like to write down addresses and stuff, our new address is the same as the old one, but the apartment number is now 10-C.

But you don't want to hear about that. You want to hear about how we got our marriage lisence and had it notarized last night. Maybe later. While I am getting quite fast with the wiimote, my wrist is becoming rather tired. Heh heh. ;)

internet, change, roommate, living, woohoo!, girlfriend, home, friends, games

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