My Fate @ Work: Wierdness.

Apr 14, 2007 19:33

Odd things tend to happen on my shifts at work that don't happen on anyone elses'. The power main almost buring the building down. Random squirrels bounding about the sales floor. Things like that.

I get called to the front of the store, and I see a minivan nosed up against the column of our cafe patio. I go outside to see what's what, and there's this dude slumped back in his seat, looking out cold. I start get really worried, but then I notice two things. The first is that the van and the column are barely scratched. I start to wonder out loud about this when I spot the second thing. The passenger. He's unconcious, too. Again I start forward, trying to remember what the number for 911 is.

Two guys unconcious? In an accident? I could only guess some sort of medical issue afoot. A cop had been nearby and saw it going down. She stepped around and asked me to back away, so I did, and went back inside. My staff and nearly every customer in the store (and this is a rather large bookstore, I might add) gathered at the windows to gawk.

Apparently, these two dopes had shot themselves up on some sort of drugs (I suspect heroin) and then proceeded to coast their car up the parking lot while stoned out of their gourds. Until then, things had been pretty quiet, but then the fire truck arrived, and then the ambulance. There was some drama with the passenger, but the cops seemed positive about his being thoroughly juiced and managed to get him into an ambulance despite his wiggles and efforts to escape. The Driver, however, was smack-dab in the middle of La-La HappyLand, smiling at everything and laughing to himself, even an hour later.

Eventually the cops hauled both of them away, and we, the customers and staff, were left to speculate. An officer did mention that the passenger was taken away by another "Agency" Ooooooooooo, that didn't sound good.

The whole thing was funny, and would've been hilarious were it not also pretty pathetic.

funny, work

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