Howlee snap!

Aug 16, 2006 18:24

I was getting fed up with the wait for my deposit to come from ol' Barkoot Apartments. I moved out of there at the end of April, and it's now close to September. I called them again today, and the girl at their counter was like, "Oh, yes, I don't know why the check was returned to us, but it's here." So I ran over with Danielle to get it, and she recommended that I check the date on it to make sure it was still good after all this time. I got it, opened it up, and the date?

August 15th, 2006. Ha.

At least it was the full amount, though, so I stuck a third of it in savings, took out a hundred, and deposited the rest in checking. I get paid tomorrow, too, so I'm now sitting pretty. Whee! With this extra cash, I will get some necessary new clothes, pay off some debt, and upgrade my cell. I have the new phone picked out, and it'll have a camera on it. Pictures of me, of my home, of the cat and the kitten, and of the girlfriend will commence soon.

Also, the apartment manager came by today to check out the repairs and replacements made on our apartment. There's been a good amount of fuss over this, especially after yesterday, when Danielle had enough and insisted they come replace our wobbly, problematic fridge. When moving the appliance in, they bumped the dining table hard which broke a handmade glass lamp an old friend had given Danielle. She tore them a new one (they pretended it wasn't their fault) and I got the manager and let her know how much trouble these guys had been. Well, this morning, they fixed the kitchen floor they tore up moving in the new fridge and also fixed the living room shelf they only partially finished. We also got assurances that our porchlight, which isn't tenant-serviceable, will be replaced, too. Goodness. This whole shelf/fridge/light business has been a minor undercurrent of irritation since we moved in. Glad to see it finished.

Lastly, I got a couple of Manual CDs from Darla. I'm thrilled! There's a lot of tunes I want to get, and this was a much-desired impulse buy. I didn't expect them to arrive so soon, however. I am quite happy.

shopping, music, home, woohoo!, money

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