(no subject)

Aug 15, 2006 01:27

I'm doing closing shifts now, so lots of late nights for me. Again, my sleep pattern is disrupted, but I am taking steps to counter the effects. I am avoiding caffiene, which I think I will just drop from my menu altogether, even if I am dog-tired. It made me too irritable, and since I've cancelled anything caffinated, I am much more mellow. I wonder if all my past tea-drinking might have had an effect on my agitations... I am also training myself to relax more when I do go to bed, and also when I wake up during the usual morning, so I can return to sleep, something I don't usually do well. I don't think I'll train myself out of waking up early, but I think I will be better about getting rest when I have to be up late.

I've gained weight. I confess I am not eating right, and lately, I have not been biking as much, since I live now with two people with cars, and folks at work have been giving me more rides. Danielle says I look fine, but I feel more tired lately, and worse, I feel doughy. Ucch. I cannot put this off any longer. I'm not dying as an old, pasty blob.

I see only one method of counteraction. I am going to find out which of my keys opens the workout room here at Hunt Club, and put that equipment to use. I always felt easier using machines to workout (though I know free weights are better), and since the mini-gym is just across the street from my front door, I have every reason to put it to use. I can go in the morning if I work closing or mid-shift that day, or afternoon if I open. I'll breakout my workout book, build a plan, and go to it Wednesday. I won't need more than an hour in there, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, and the swimming pool is just outside the gym... If ever there was a better opportunity, I don't remember it.

I have the nice home, I have the hot girlfriend, I have the sweet computer, and I have a job that doesn't drive me nuts.

The only route left is self-improvement. Time to get busy.

work, exercise, rest, health, living

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