(no subject)

May 27, 2006 03:50

It's nearly 4 AM. How I let my sleep schedule get so far off, I'm not quite sure. I think today, I will try to straighten that out.

The D and me are enjoying our time off. I recently discovered a toy and game shop in Columbia Mall that had a vast array of board games. I lead Danielle to it, and we browsed for a while, trying to judiciously avoid the overzealous store owner lady, and settled on a rather expensive, vaguely documented, but ultimately enjoyable game called "Ys". It's a strategic economy game about gem trading that involves location-dominating, market control, and no small amount of sneakiness. Eventually I want to go back and try this one series of games that has wierd names like "Dvonn", "Gipf", and "Yinsh" which are all strategy games that are of interesting rules (and little to no fantastic plot, but still...).

Today, we shopped a little for needed things, and a couple of not-so-needed, like a nice kitty toy and a stack of seven nested boxes, and a red-and-black racing cow. We snagged a couple bags of those little glass blobs used in the bottom of floral arrangements from a couple of places, because Ys has dull wooden cubes to represent its gems, and we wanted something a little more fancy. We also picked up a few cheap $1 decorations for the living room. While we were out, I was struck with an interesting idea for an art project, but I need to find some proper materials for it first. I already have the wire, but I need stronger supporting wire, a stand or pole of some sort, some tubing, and a pump...

When we finally came home, we set about straightening up our living room, still a mess from the move. We took her loveseat and stuck it in our bedroom, because it was really destroying the free space and crowding up the living room, and we had a whole wall free in the bedroom. We move things around, cleaned and sorted, and finally vacuumed. Danielle admitted that the results were much improved, and I agree.

We dined tonight on a little bamboo tray filled with carrots, babybels, and marinated mushrooms. An oddball combination of food, I know, but we ate all of it. We're both nuts about mushrooms and cheeses, and if you make us something with mushrooms and cheese in it, we will definitely eat it.

I need to head to bed now and get a couple hours of sleep in. I have to sneak out for an early meeting at work which I couldn't back out of, and frankly, I don't want to; it should be interesting.

food, art, home, games, ideas, living

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