In the past week, I've been asked to help two of the highest ranking officials in my company, both direct reports to the CEO. In both cases, I kicked ass and made them happy and my co-workers think I'm some kinda superman.
I won a bet with the VP of my division. He bet that Clemson would win last weekend's football game and I bet that the Texas Aggies would win. The Aggies slaughtered Clemson, so now the VP owes me lunch at Ted's Montana Grill here in Atlanta. Ted's Montana, if you don't know the place, is a pretty hip little joint that no vegetarian would ever set foot in. You can choose either bison or beef as your meat of choice. It's named after Ted Turner but I think it's actually a franchise. You can check it out at
So I'm a big Texas Aggie fan. My sister went to school there and I've known lots of cool people from there. Texas A&M is out in the middle of nowhere and the only things to do are drink and study. It's like someplace out of King Of The Hill. is their link.
Today, I got a call from a real sweetheart. He called to thank me for a painting I gave him. That was just awesome. He loved the painting, so I guess I made a good Wild Guess!
At work, we launched a new product and we're kicking ass on sales. Our stock prices have gone up over 10% in the last two weeks, so my stock options (if I could exercise them now) would be sweet. This is the first company I've worked at where I've gotten stock options. Do a google on stock options. I don't know how to describe them except as free money.
When I say my mood is crazy, well, I'm crazy (literally) so it fits. I used to be bad crazy, but now I'm good crazy.
I got a new chiropractor. She's great. She told me how to hold my posture and her adjustments made my neck stop hurting. I had been in a car crash about a year ago, but my neck x-ray looks good. I'd been hurting since then, though. It'll just take good posture and a few weeks of thrice-weekly adjustments to get it back where it belongs (my neck). She gives me great feedback, where my old chiropractor didn't tell me a thing. He'd just adjust me and tell me to come back in two days. Plus, he was a long drive away. I hated that, but he came highly recommended.
So I've had a good week. I'll end with a trivia question: Who is the only sitting US Senator to have won the Congressional Medal of Honor?