Sep 06, 2005 16:05
The summer of 2005 has come to a close and another year of ringing school bells has come knocking loud and clear.
It's senior year over again. Classes, only had one today...FSM4060...the dreaded...FOOD PREP! AHHHH!!!!! and its with Donna Faria...AHHHH!!!!! Someone save me. I don't know why this institution makes hotel majors cook and run a restaurant. That's what your restaurant mgr, kitchen mgr, executive chef, and director of food and beverage is for. I don't wanna run no damn restaurant! Damnit.
I did have a little drama with my classes this afternoon. I found out that my geography class will not satisity one of my H-Elect classes...DAMNIT. It took me close to an hour to find a new one, the end result: The Gaming Industry. I looked for this class in the Spring and I found it! Plus, its on Wednesday nights, the night that my destination geography class was scheduled for! SCORE. It's with Dr. Harris...had her back Freshman year...should be good.
Finally, Career Capstone with Ang on Thursday afternoons. Meh.......
So, for the next 11 weeks, Justin gets to go to class in his chef whites on Mondays and Wednesdays. Oh the excitement.
OK kids...gotta get her heiness from the gym.
senior year!