Masters of the Universe

Oct 10, 2009 22:00

A recent report from The NPD Group, a market research firm, reveals that Apple Mac owners are hopeless gadget freaks. According to the 2009 Household Penetration Study, Apple computers are now found in twelve percent of American households, compared to only eight percent last year.

This is good, especially if you own shares of AAPL. But here’s the fun part. Sixty-six percent of Apple-owning households own three or more computers, compared to only twenty-nine percent of Windows-based computing households. Seventy-two percent of Apple homes own notebook computers. And eight-five percent also own a Windows machine that they keep locked in a dark closet, never to be spoken of in public. There’s nothing wrong with using a Windows computer, after all, so long as you do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.

Apple computer owners not only own more desktop and laptop computers, they also own more kinds of electronic gadgetry. Half of all Apple users have GPS. Two-thirds own an iPod. A third own a digital SLR camera. Almost twenty percent own an LCD TV measuring over fifty inches. In short, Apple households own forty-eight consumer electronics gadgets, compared to twenty-four for Windows households.

Nor surprisingly, thirty-six percent of Apple households have incomes in excess of a hundred thousand dollars per year. The study did not mention the fresher breath, bouncier hair, and whiter whites enjoyed by Mac users. After all, there’s no point in gloating. As Tom Clancy once said, “Never ask what sort of computer a guy drives. If he's a Mac user, he'll tell you. If not, why embarrass him?”

apple, macs

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