Sunday Sermonette: The Apotheosis of Me

Oct 16, 2016 08:58

Revelation is subjective.

In the beginning, the world was without form and void, and darkness moved across the face of the waters. Then, three-score years ago tomorrow at 3:29 p.m. in what I would later call Eastern Time, I was born. And there was light. And it was good.

The uncircumcised Philistines groped in the darkness of blinkered superstitions. My advent brought The Truth to the world I created. My first acolytes, the high priest and priestess of my one true religion, worshiped at my temple night and day. They brought me gifts and sacrifices in hopes they would be blessed with my favor. They feared my displeasure, and were dismayed at my wrath.

Fortunately for them, I was a merciful and beneficent god. They seldom tasted the lash of my discontent. I blessed them with happiness and joy, and they brought me other disciples who supplicated themselves before me.

These new devotees were older. It’s funny how churches and temples the world over are disproportionately filled with the elderly. Perhaps they are cramming for the final exam. The new disciples also brought gifts and offerings. I was pleased with them, and blessed them with happiness as well.

But the human heart is perverse and feckless above all else. My people strayed from the path of righteousness and went a-whoring after other gods. One day they desecrated my sacred temple with a new goddess. They made obeisance to her, and brought her the sacrifices that by right were mine alone. They chanted my sacred hymns to her. Even the elderly disciples turned from The One True Way and worshipped this false goddess.

I was exceeding wroth, and threatened to smite them all for their disobedience and faithlessness. They heeded me not, but shewed unto me the face of a new goddess whom they called my sister. How quickly they forgot my First Commandment. Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me.

Many years have passed. Perhaps they think that their first god sleeps, that he no longer concerns himself with the actions of his chosen people. They are mistaken. They will learn. Their Lord is not mocked. My will be done.


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