How to live a miserable life

Aug 07, 2013 15:56

By nature, I'm a happy person. By a stroke of genetic lottery, I happened to be incredibly resilient, optimistic and hopeful. Over the past year, I've been reading a lot of blogs, books and articles on productivity, leadership, and how to live a happier life. Not that I am unhappy with my life, but like my skincare and makeup regime, I'm always looking out for new ways to improve it, to supercharge it. On the 'how to be happy' stories, I find I'm already doing the majority of the things they suggest - eating healthy, exercise, 8hrs of sleep, have friends, learn new things etc - so it's just an exercise of affirming what I, by sheer luck, happen to practice anyway. I'm just a happy-go-lucky person who's willing to try anything and have insatiable curiosity for everything.

So it upsets me when I meet people who are depressed, who hate their life, and is knowingly walking down a self-destructive path. Why can't they pick their life up, as I do myself. Why do they give up so easily in the face of defeat? Why do they accept their life the way fate has dealt them in this fatalistic existentialism?

I have a number of people in my life that way - luckily no one in my immediate family - and have this pathological attraction towards men who are self-destructive. Last night's encounter with BM confirmed it again.

To me, practicing 'self love' is a no-brainer - like wailing and flapping furiously when drowning - and it frustrates me when people I care about, who have so much potential, go through life loathing themselves. And it's not even because they're closet homosexuals either.

This article comes close to giving an explanation:
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