(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 18:51


(Matthew 14:22-33)

***COMING THIS FRIDAY, "The secret life of the BTK killer, are you living a
double life?"

***TOMORROW THERE WILL BE A RARE EPILOGUE TO THE DEVOTIONAL LAST FRIDAY REGARDING TERRI SCHIAVO. PRAISE GOD that over 300 people we know of accepted Christ through Saturday from Friday's Devotional on Terri Schiavo.
We rejoice with the angels in Heaven for those who have asked Christ into
their hearts and lives. Also, we are encourage that many who have been
battling with an eating disorder were brought under conviction and are
seeking the Lord for deliverance from that bondage in their live.

***THIS WORD IS FOR YOU!!! Please, take a moment and ask God to open your
heart to receive this word of encouragement for your life today!

When you focus on Jesus, you can walk on water. This week, the Lord has
been helping me grow in my own personal relationship with Him. Our life
from the moment we accept Christ into our hearts becomes a journey of
growing and maturing to become more like our Lord. That process continues
right up until the moment we take our last breath. It is like climbing a
ladder that has an infinite number of rungs on it. No matter how high you
get, there is always another rung to work towards. That is why we can never
become complacent or apathetic in our relationship with Christ. It should
be the desire of every Believer to become more like our Savior each day.

God has helped me learn over these past 14 years of serving Him, to not
allow the distractions of this life to keep me from doing my best at what He
has called me to do that day. Between the time I spend with the Lord,
overseeing the daily operations of Liveprayer, the 4-5 hours I commit each
to ministering to people personally, doing the TV program "live" 5 nights a
week, trying my best to be a Godly husband to my wife, keeping my physical
body in shape, and simply having a bit of "down time," each day is very

You can only imagine the number of distractions that come from every
conceivable direction each day. Satan is a master at using distractions to
keep our focus off of the Lord. This week has been a difficult one for me.
This morning as I finished up my time in the Word, the Holy Sprit had me in
the 14th Chapter of Matthew. I was looking for a passage, and after finding
it, my eyes were drawn to the anchor verses for this Devotional today. It
is that wonderful story of Peter wanting to walk on the water like Jesus

Peter, a man of incredible faith one moment, and no faith the next. I
have read and studied this passage of Scripture scores of times, preached on
it over the years. But today as I read it, the Holy Spirit said to me,
"Bill, there you are. Like Peter, you are a man of great faith one minute,
and of no faith the next. When you keep your eyes on Jesus, you can walk on
water. When you take your eyes off of Jesus, you will sink."

I closed my Bible, got on my knees, and asked God to forgive me for allowing
the distractions of this life to take my eyes off of Jesus. I asked the
Lord to give me His strength, that no matter what may be going on around me,
I will never take my eyes off of Jesus. I cried out for Him to increase my
faith so that I would never lose sight of the Lord again. As I got up, I
felt a renewed sense of strength. My mind was crystal clear. My spiritual
eyes were locked in on Jesus and I knew that through Him, ALL things were

My friend, let me share this word with you today. YOU CAN WALK ON WATER
LIKE PETER. Please, listen to this again and let the words sink into your
Spirit. YOU CAN WALK ON WATER LIKE PETER. The only thing
stopping you is your lack of faith. Peter was just a man of flesh and blood
you and I. He had the same problems, the same struggles we do. The Bible
that Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water. How? His faith!
did Peter walk on the water and you haven't? Peter had the faith in Jesus
to believe he could walk on the water when the Lord said, "come."

Please take note that Peter only began to sink when he took his eyes off of
Jesus and focused instead on the storm around him. When he allowed the
storm around him to distract him, that is when he began to sink. As long as
you stay focused on Jesus and don't allow the storms in your life to

I love you and care about you so much. This will be a difficult word for
many people today because they do not even have the goal of walking on
water. They have set their spiritual goals so low, they are simply
satisfied being saved and knowing they will get to Heaven. But for those
reading this today that are looking for a challenge, here it is. Don't be
satisfied with anything less than walking on water! It is not a matter of
is it possible. We already know that it is because Peter did it. God is no
respecter of person. If Peter did it, you can as well. Set your goal to
walk on water.

God has called each one of His children to serve Him. Everyone has a
different calling on their life and serve God in different ways. Whatever
way God has called you to serve Him, set your goal to walk on water, meaning
have the faith to serve God to the best of your ability, knowing that as
long as you are keeping your focus on Jesus you will walk on the water. Can
you serve the Lord sitting in the boat? Sure. But if you are going to
serve the Lord, why not get out of the boat and walk on the water? Sitting
in the boat doesn't require much faith at all, walking on the water requires
great faith. If you want to be the best for the Lord, you have to give your
best to the Lord.

I am praying for you today. Praying that you will hear, and respond to this
word of encouragement from God today. He loves you, cares about you, and
wants the best for your life. We will always have storms in our life. That
is never going to change. We can either spend our life focusing on the
storms, or spend our life focusing on the One who can calm the storms. The
fact is, you will never be all God has called you to be as long as you are
focusing on the storms. Keep your eyes on Jesus and YOU can walk on the

In his love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
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