"Hogsmead" (Bill, Ginny, G, 100)

Sep 09, 2009 19:08

Title: Hogsmead
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Character or pairing: Ginny, Bill
Challenge name: Infinite
Author's note: for ginnyweasley100 's prompt: infinite. Also posted at http://www.eraofpotter.blogspot.com, which is my fanfiction and fic rec blog.
Disclaimer: All HP characters and concepts belong solely to Joanna Rowling, Bloomsbury, Raincoast, Scholastic and Warner Brothers. This community and all participants intend no copyright infringement; the community is made solely for non-profit entertainment and to lavish attention on the sexiest, coolest Weasley of them all.

Ginny loved Hogsmead. The first time, her mother had taken her to pick up Charlie and Bill straight from Hogwarts, and the four of them had gone to the Three Broomsticks as a treat for Bill’s being a responsible prefect. She had been five, and so only remembered large seats. Everything else she could remember seemed greatly out of proportion when she went the second time, at age eight. This time the whole family went to see Bill before he left for Egypt. Bill wore leather, and Ginny held his hand. After his death, she returned to make new memories.

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