All HP characters and concepts belong solely to Joanna Rowling, Bloomsbury, Raincoast, Scholastic and Warner Brothers. This community and all participants intend no copyright infringement; the community is made solely for non-profit entertainment and to lavish attention on the sexiest, coolest Weasley of them all.
I've been absent for so long! *hugs you all*
Title: Missing Button
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: Bill, mention of other brothers, Ginny, mention of Ginny/Draco
Challenge: Sacrifice
Disclaimer: If I owned Bill Weasley, illegal things would be happening right now.
Notes: Should be read before the second one, though they can stand alone.
Her wail was ear-splitting, so it was no wonder all her brothers came running.
“What? What’s the matter?” Bill reached her first, hand hovering over his wand. If that bastard Malfoy had decided not to show …
“I’m missing a button,” Ginny wailed. “Mum says a charm won’t hold it.”
They blinked, at a loss as to what to do with a frilly, fluffy wedding gown missing a button.
“Here,” Bill said, ready with a solution.
No one thought it odd that the bride had a fang hanging from the back of her dress as she walked down the aisle.
Title: Missing Appeal
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Bill, Charlie
Challenge: Sex Appeal
Disclaimer: If I owned Bill Weasley, illegal things would be happening right now.
Notes: Should be read after the first one, though they can stand alone.
Charlie snickered at Bill, who was huddled off to the side of the reception, looking uncertain.
“What’s the matter, big brother?” he asked, handing him a glass of spiked pumpkin juice. “Usually you’re dancing with three witches by now.”
Bill fingered his bare earlobe, frowning. “Just not feeling it, I suppose,” he said faintly.
Charlie stared at him for a moment, then laughed loudly enough to turn heads. “Oh, come on,” he said. “Your earring does not hold your sex appeal, Bill.”
He chuckled as he walked away, but Bill glowered.
“You don’t know that!” he called out after Charlie.