May 04, 2005 21:26
Nicole complained of abdominal pain on April 23 and then again on April 25. Between April 25 and yesterday (May 3), there was no pain. Last night, it was bad enough that we ended up going to the Emergency Room at about 1:45 am.
After an hour wait, the doctors came in and tested her. Blood test, urine test, etc. Eventually they did an ultrasound. About 4, an E.R. doctor came in and said told us that she had gall stones and one of them had come out of the gall bladder and was blocking the pancreatic duct. When we eat, it causes the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder to squeeze and secrete it's fluids to help digest food. With the gall stone in the way, it causes pain when everything is squeezed. He also told us that she would probably need the gall bladder removed.
About 6:20, she was admitted into a room and had her vitals taken twice within a half hour. The shift changes at 7a and they have to take vitals with every shift change. We finally got the nurse in about 8:45 am to tell us a bit about what was going on. Nicole needed an MRICP, basically an MRI of the abdomen so they can see what is going on with the gall stones and gall bladder.
I stayed there until 10 am this morning, and then went home and got some sleep. Nicole called at 4 saying that they were taking in for her MRICP and wanted me to come and stay with her. I got there about 4:45 and waited around for about 15 minutes before she rolled in to the MRICP. It turned out they had some trouble with her I.V., it started leaking and they needed to move it to another spot. Unfortunately, every place they tried it, the vein collapsed. We got out of the MRICP and back to her room about 6:30. By that time, my mom had arrived and was waiting in the room for us. Before going us, I went to the lobby and made calls to various people to let them know what was going on.
My mom spoke to her doctor and to her chiropractor about what was going on. The doctor advised that unless the gall bladder is diseased, not to have it removed. If it's inflamed, Nicole should just get antibiotics. If there are more gall stones, they may never come out again. On the other hand, they may come out in two weeks. However, we don't know if she has anymore gall stones, yet. Nicole said that it sounds like the best thing to do, especially because she doesn't have insurance.
Mom left at 8 and I stayed until just after 9:30. I was tired and Nicole needed her sleep. About 10:30, Nicole called, letting me know the nurse had told her the gall stone had apparently passed, the pancreas looked fine, and there may be another gall stone in the gall bladder. When the doctor comes in tomorrow, we will find out more. I'm taking tomorrow off work also, and will be heading over to the hospital early. I want to be there when the doctor shows up to let us know what is going on and what they plan on doing.