Going to Hell for This One

Mar 26, 2006 21:04

So yeah you know those things you KNOW you arent supposed to laugh at but you do anyway? Well here ya go:

was taking a break from work today & there were these 2 old ladies on those motorized scooters (one fire engine red & one bright purple, natch) .. so one says 'watch my scooter while i go to the bathroom.. make sure you watch it now!!' , the other says... " i'm watching it"..

the only thing i could think was.. why bother? what the fuck is she gonna do if someone tries to steal it? either a)she cant get scooter a'scooin any faster than the one being snagged and b) she cant walk much less run! if she can then she has no business on one of those anyway!!

i dunno it juist struck me funny.. had me laughing for hours :p

so i told a girl I work with about it and she tells me about this guy who goes to college where her BF does. Apparently her BF sees this dude everyday & totally baffled by this:

The guy has no arms........... yet carries a back pack

Yeah let that sink in for a minute..

OMFG!!! So many questions!!
* whats in there? books for him to 'thumb' thru? notebooks for him to take notes?
* what happens if it falls off?
* how does he get it on in the first place?
* how does he unzip it?
* on & on

It just had me rolling!! Yeah so I'm going STRAIGHT to hell and I'm easily amused.. :P
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