Feb 19, 2007 14:53
Wow, i should really start writing in here more, i have a lot to catch up on. here we go. Valentines Day i spent with my single gals, and one boy, we were fighting for him haha, kowen :-P... then on thursday i went to Neepawa! it was awesome, i got there at 8:30pm and played cards with paypay. i got to see my Mr.Blake, he has 2 teeth now, SO CUTE!!! The on friday I saw Rob and Jamie cuz they came in from brandon and we all had supper. After supper i went to the bar cuz it was kellys birthday. she was just hammered LOL it was awesome, she was tryin to kick everyones ass, especially Michelle, the chick who rated out pope. so i had a few drinks and got high as usual. lol I saw my ex, Mike, and he really misses me. I miss him too, hes a really kool guy. Hes h-core, but a super sweety. He always calls me Sugar and im like awwww lol. he rox my sox. and i saw Nick (popes bro) lol, hes so funny... i dont think i have ever actually hung out with him when he was sobe, haha.. So apparently jolene had people to beat me up waiting for me at bar. i was like ooook. (nothing happened tho, as usual) but yeah, i hung out with my baby Carmella for most of the night. Then i ran into Bards, and he said he'd give me a ride back to wpg cuz he was going home anyway. SO he picked me up saturday morning and we came back home. Later that night i went out with dea, ash, vic, nikita, ash w, and mollie. Dea basically pissed everyone off and ruined my night, so i just went home. Then on sunday jonny, ash and mo picked me up for church and we helped set up for zambia night. It was okay, i saw Cindy Hodgson and we worked together and talked for a bit. Im so glad that her and me can get along. So today i went job hunting at st.vital. it was ok. i handed in 9 resumes all over the place, hopefully i get a call.. so later tonight is the summit, should be fun.
so thats my simplified version of the past week.
Im really confused right now, about what i want in life. What is priority right now?? school? work? Apartemtent? car? relationships? what comes first? and how do i go about doing it?? i just dont know right now, i wish i had someone to help me thru. My next step in life determines my whole future... its not an easy decision, and i dont think people understand that.... for the past couple of days i have been walking around like zombie, trying to figure things out. *sigh* i judt dont know....
anyway, ciao