No, you'll never be alone, when darkness comes I'll light the night with stars

Feb 15, 2007 22:37

well.. it has been a long time since i last posted.. well, sort of.. anyway.. it is too late to give you my first impression of all my classes this semester but i will mention my done with 4 weeks opinion..

hist 210- russian civilization- a very interesting class, however it has 7 books and we are reading all of them.. so i am having to read all the time.. *shrugs* since the tests are essay tests my grade fully depends on how he grades..

acct 209-principles of accounting- BORING.. lol.. it should be a VERY easy class.. i am hoping for an 'a' without too much of a struggle..

phil 240- intro to logic- EASY holy cow (moooooo -Megan), this stuff is so basic.. it is incredible how dumb some people's questions are though.. oh well.. my grade a+ without studying/reading/going to class, a++ if i do any of the above..

math 423- linear algebra- fairly interesting so far, we are basically have gone through linear stuff for complex numbers (i.e. a+bi) if he is grading based on the class as a whole i shouldn't have a problem getting an a.. (also, as a random note.. there is a guy in this class that reminds me of kirk.. he looks similar, tall/emaciated( ;) )/long dark hair, he walks like kirk, his questions sound like questions kirk would ask, in fact the only thing that doesn't remind me of kirk is that he appears to be dumb as a rock *shrugs*)

math 482- research- easy so far, it shouldn't ever get too hard depending on what i choose to research for my project.. we will see, i still have a couple weeks to finalize my topic.. grade: a

math 489- differential geometry- VERY HARD, this will be the class that will give me trouble this semester, though the tests are all take home so that should help.. i am hoping for an 'a' but a 'b' mightbe ok depending on how much harder the material gets..

so yeah.. those are my classes, so far 18 hours (while very much time consuming) isn't proving to be more than i can handle.. but we will see..

also for those of you who don't know i got a job as an honors mentor.. it was interesting because i never applied for the position but i was hired for it and told at the beginning semester which class i was mentoring.. basically i tutor an honors class for 4 hours a week and have an hour of prep time.. the pay isn't terrible, and i am still able to grade on top of it, so it isn't too bad..

ok well, megan (my beautiful girlfriend and the most wonderful girl the the entire world -Megan) wanted me to post, so there it is.. heh.. everyone have a great afternoon/evening.. God bless!!


p.s. consummatum est.
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