Apr 05, 2006 16:33
well.. quickly.. a couple of things..
1. i figured out why my comp was running slowly.. apparently i have filled up 99% of the harddrive.. so yeah.. it doesn't have any room to move and my ram can't keep up.. *shrugs* i guess i will clean it off in my next free time.. lol.. so maybe the first week of summer..
2. operation clean jarrod's room is now underway.. i need to have it cleaned by friday afternoon because my parents are coming to stay with me for a night..
3. my test tomorrow has me worried for a few reasons.. a.) the material is harder than on the first test. b.) we have 105 extra minutes to take the exam. c.) she is letting us bring a one page cheat sheet where we can write whatever we want and use it on the test. d.) the first test's scores were 5 points below what she wanted. e.) the test has six questions and one gets dropped. (i.e. each question is worth 20% of the grade) so yeah.. i am worried because this test is probably going to be HARD!! because she will design a similar test to the first, then make it harder because we can use a cheat sheet AND we will have an EXTRA hour and 45 minutes.. ugh.. this woman sounds just like me if i were a prof.. that scares me.. a lot.. ("sure kids.. you can even use your book on this exam.." Exam: Question 1 (5 points): find the inverse of this 12x12 matrix then compute the determinant, transpose, and the 12 eigenvalues of the inverse. Question 2 (10 points):...)
4. every prof is pushing due dates back which would be good if they hadn't coordinated and all of them made 40% of the grade for the semester due within the last week and a half of school..
5. i need sleep..
ok well.. that is all for now.. everyone have a great day..