I hate Good Friday. Stupid day.

Apr 03, 2010 01:15

My car got a bit smooshed today as I was driving home.
Doing 80kms on the highway, this chick decides to change lanes. Fair enough, except for the fact that I was already in the space she wanted to take up. She hit my drivers side door and scratched it, the passenger side door and a bit of the back panel. Just cosmetic damage, but still. What a twit. I wasn't even in her blind spot, because she hit my drivers side door with her front left indicator meaning that I was in front of her by the time she moved lanes!!

Swapped details (some of which I forgot to collect cos I was kinda shaken, but I have the name, address, phone number bit, and therefore can collect the rest when I'm thinking more clearly) and then had a panic moment when I thought she might have given me something wrong -- looked up google/white pages, and not only were her details correct, but I found her facebook and myspace without even looking. Seriously, this girl with a rather unique full name needs to learn about privacy settings! Clicked on the facebook one, and lo and behold, her last status update, as of Tuesday reads: 'Hasn't got a car anymore. :(.' And badly spelled out in the comments she mentions it was a bmw and that she ran it off a road when [the road] 'just like suddenly ended.' QUOTE. Seriously, I was feeling sorry for this girl, she's obviously in her first year of driving because she has red p-plates, but GET HER OFF THE ROAD THIS INSTANT!! (Plus her profile states she hates books, and therefore should be subjected to being a pedestrian with really bad walking boots for the rest of eternity for that alone.)

So my poor car has been subjected to its very first crash. I've been subjected to my very first (proper) crash! And my insurance will be subjected to its very first claim, when I call them up tomorrow.

I was driving Georgie from work to Geelong cos the buses between Anglesea and Geelong run at ridiculous times, so she was there too, and the rest of the way she was just amazed at how calm and collected I was through the entire thing. I didn't even think to yell or tell the bint off, I figured she'd do that enough on her own without me helping make her feel worse. I'd feel bad enough without someone yelling at me for something that you can't change now anyway...

It was weird, I saw what was going to happen, but there was just no way I could get out of it in the seconds before, I could have slammed on the breaks, and had her hit the front of my car with the back of her car, or sped up and had her hit the back of my car... I couldn't swerve enough to dodge her cos I was already in the left hand lane... So glad it was only cosmetic, nothing awful.


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