Oct 23, 2005 01:39
What if you were given a chance to do anything in the world you wanted. No limit is placed on this chance you can go anywhere and do anything your mind could imagine. Would you do it? What if there was a catch. What if the only guarantee was that you will feel pain and when it was over you would die. Would you still do it?
There is but one answer for this question.
It should have left your lips or escaped your mind the minute you finished reading that. Because no matter how you look at it those are the only guarantees in life.
We spend each day knowing nothing that will happen until it is to late. The only thing we know is that sooner or later we will feel pain and at some point we will die.
This is not some morbid twist on reality it is just reality in words. No one is promised anything in life except pain and death.
So would we risk pain and death to obtain something we want. Of course, we do it everyday.
We spend our time between moments of pain and the release of eternal sleep, in pursuit of that which is not guaranteed. Friends, family, love, hate, happiness, and sadness are all things with which we fill our lives. This many call living, and perhaps they are right. I mean what is life with out all these things. Friends share your experiences with you and pass the time as sentinels to your own sanity in a world that can only end in death. Family gives you a purpose and a means to be remembered after you close your eyes and sleep. Love, oh yes love, makes it worth the trouble. Hate drives you to overcome all that stands in your way. Happiness makes you forget everything. And then there is sadness, it comes and goes with the loss or gain of all the rest, reminding you just how lucky you are to have experienced each.
Just how much time goes by before we have experienced all is determined by the person. But in the end its all these things which determine when you will come face to face with the reality of life and take that long walk with death.
So whats the point of all this right?
Ill let you figure it out.
but while you are thinking about the meanings behind the ramblings of a shadow, perhaps you should take a look that the people around you and decide which part of reality do you represent for them?
or are you perhaps one of the guarantees of life and represent pain?
enjoy reality, and the pursuite of all you dream