I just got back from a kickass Pops Concert. My last one since I can not do it again next year. Band is worth just being able to do Pops, I'll find some way to participate next year. Wind Ensemble played an awesome piece (with the best score I have ever seen) called Godzilla eats Las Vegas! hehe. I really miss Leah. Pops made me think about her a lot because last year we spent the whole time together, waiting on tables, being noisy, having fun, etc!!! Plus, I have also decided to either do AFS for a semester or the summer next year to go to Italy. (that is the program Leah is with for Costa Rica) My mom really wants me to go which is somewhat surprising. I hope it works out, my family is really serious about the possibility. YAY! Italy, here I come. Italian men: heaven. In the words of Lauren- "But Italian guys are so horny". I have no problem with that. As long as they are attractive and somewhat respectful they can be as horny as they want to be. hehe
I took some pictures at the Pops concert.
http://public.fotki.com/bikinibutt/pops_concert_2004_may_29/ Lauren and I had a fun but relaxing time at my casa after school. Everyone is exhausted, especially moi and Lauren. The day is so dreary and depressing. It makes me sad. It better get nice soon, I love summer and spring!
Nous avons parle beaucoup. Lauren et moi sommes la meme avec nos difficultes avec la vie. (les gars!!!!!) Nous avons regarde "Murder by Numbers" aussi . C'etait okay. J'etait assez fatigue de le voire completement. Ouais! I don't know why I just wrote that all in French, I had a "mood". I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo tired now. Maybe I'll write tomorrow.