Oct 18, 2005 11:08
I am really starting to miss you guys. A month till Thanksgiving now. Week five, which I am in now, marks the halfway point of the quarter. I got an A on one of the papers I wrote and a B+ on the other. I was really happy. On the one that got a B+ my T.A. said I wasn't being specific enough which is weird cause I thaught I was being repetitive.
Anyway this weekend I didn't have much fun. I went to two rush events which were cool, but I was totally sick. Monday was the worst cause I still went to all my classes. And it rained and I was wearing sandals. So I had to run back to the dorm to change. Esther's birthday dinner at Dixie Kitchen was fun and I so totally love that place now. I just took my one and only midterm, in Hebrew. I think I kicked ass, but it's hard to say. I only forgot one word thought, which is good. I guess I actually do have other midterms, in French they just call them examens. There are two. One is on monday. My grades have been getting better on the little things, but I am so far behind cause I was sick and we had to read this story which I did not do. Ah. I also didn't do my lit traditions homework. Luckily we are reading The Tempest in Ren Lit, which I have already read. That's pretty much my life. I was sick so I couldn't go to parties this weekend and that made me sad, but there will be more. I head home on Friday for my Dad's birhtday. I have so much studying to do. Run Away!!!!! I am gonna be outta here like someone set me on fire. I hope you all comment cause I miss talking to you.
Think about this.
Would you rather hear:
Ray Charles sing in Yiddish
Jesse Jackson read aloud from Penthouse Forum?
Oh definately the singing in Yiddish. Any song in Yiddish sounds fun.