
Dec 16, 2012 02:20

Hey!! They actually improved the posting page!!

So I finally watched this episode, I liked it and I really like this season so far. Pretty much the only thing I don't like about it is Sam's freaking terribly done boring obnoxious flashbacks, which are probably over now! Hooray! Also of course I wish there was more hurt!Dean, but. I'll get by.

Things that stuck out to me about this ep:

- Dean saying "story of my life" when the restaurant is out of pecan pie. It was probably just meant to be a funny throwaway line but pie has always been a symbol of happiness and comfort for him, and of course he doesn't get to have any-story of his life. Ouch ;_;

- Martin: "Glad your dad wasn't around to hear that. He'd have a mind to take you both out the woodshed and show you what's what."
So Martin knew them when they were young, and this is what he thinks John would do. That's basically a canon admission that John used corporal punishment (at least), yes? I don't remember if that's been admitted before although I'm not sure if many people would even doubt it.

- awwww loook at the cute little cut on Dean's hand. It's right where his nail would go into his palm. I wonder how he got it.

- I have a really hard time caring about secondary characters in any show, but when Benny laid his head down on the table and I thought he was going to die it actually really moved me, even past just the thought of "wow Dean will be so sad." I thought that scene was really moving and well done.

I think Sam & Dean's relationship is really interesting at this point. I'm excited to see what happens especially with the prospect of NO MORE SHITTY FLASHBACKS!!!

Anyway, I've been kind of behind on all my TV watching because I started watching Star Trek TOS and it's been taking up like all my free time besides school, haha. I don't usually like sci-fi at all but this show is so amazing and cute and I'm in love with it. Also Captain Kirk is basically a hurt/comfort fangirl's dream (while Kirk/Spock is a slash fangirl's dream). I'm thinking of taking a break from it soon though so I can finish up a couple fics to post for the holidays.

s8, ep reaction, spn

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