an otp post

Oct 31, 2012 21:48

It used to really bum me out when Stan and Kyle fight like they did in this episode. I'd always think "they're Super Best Friends! Why are they fighting like this?! Is this the end of their SBF-dom?!" But nooo I'm finally realizing that this is a huge part of why they are SBFs!! Last episode Kyle and Stan were as SBF as ever before (their last scene.......... ♥♥) and in this episode they were yelling at each other and stuff but it was just cute because they obviously didn't hate each other or anything and were still friends, at the very end they smile at each other. I guess they fight because they even each other out, like when one of them is being a piece of shit the other calls them out for it because they know each other so well. They make each other better people!!

It's really silly that I've liked Stan/Kyle for so long and I hadn't really thought of this before because it's like a huge part of ~them! Although it does seem to be more of a thing in recent seasons, before it was usually that they were always on the same side of issues. This is really good though because now they have more distinct personalities and flaws which really makes their friend/ship more perfect. Also it's not really shown in fic... ever. I think I was thrown off by You're Getting Old/Assburgers too, those eps really messed me up lol and messed up my otp rhythm. I guess Kyle was trying to be that even-ing out force for Stan in that ep but it didn't work because Stan was too messed up in different ways. I understood it in Crack Baby Athletic Association but Butterballs was really hard for me to watch. But now I get it! OTP HAPPINESS!!!!!!

Anyway, tonight's episode was just perfect, this whole season has been amazing.


Okay I am two weeks behind in Supernatural. I have been ridiculously busy and there was the World Series (YEAH GIANTS!!!) so I've been slacking on all my shows that aren't half hour episodes. I'm hoping to get caught up this weekend!! I also hope they have upped the Dean angst.

Also I just want to save face and say that I am working on fics for my h/c bingo card! And some hoodie-time prompts! I'm just working on a bunch at the same time so they're moving pretty slow.

I hope all you guys had a spooky Halloween!

otp, south park, personal, ep reaction

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