Teen Wolf s2 finale reaction

Aug 14, 2012 12:15

The second season finale of Teen Wolf has to be one of the least satisfying season finales I've ever been subject to. It's one of those times where I feel like I was promised character development and was given none. Earlier in the season, they said that the Kanima can't become a werewolf "until it resolves that in its past which manifest it." What made Jackson become the Kanima? His identity issues? Something having to do with his parents' death? Who is controlling him? In the beginning of the season we were led to ask all these questions, to believe that Jackson's issues were important and that he would need to resolve them to regain control. We're given hints about his parents. But in the finale Jackson became a werewolf without resolving anything, just getting back together with his ex-girlfriend. He still has not told anyone he loves them. We still haven't learned anything more about his parents. He still hasn't resolved any of his identity issues. I guess seeing him and Lydia get back together was supposed to pass for that but I don't really want to devote my time to a show where resolving a high school romance passes as character development.

Although!! I do give them credit for character development with Allison, my other favorite character. I wish we could have seen more of her but it was really believable and satisfying for me that she went revenge-crazy after her mother died and that she needed to take a break with Scott (wow! character development and romantic development!) to figure herself out to close the season.

I feel really silly being this picky about a fairly silly, guilty pleasure show like Teen Wolf. I obviously give the show a lot of passes on shittiness but characters are the most important part of a show for me and if they aren't good then I can't enjoy the show. *cough* Glee. *cough*

Also I have a bunch of fics started and will hopefully be able to finish them once I'm done getting ready for college!

jackson whittemore, ep reaction, teen wolf

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