7.20 reaction

Apr 28, 2012 09:54

This was a pretty great episode! I liked it a lot more than the last one. It was fun and suspenseful and moved the Dick Roman plot along! I'm glad they finally made sense of the 'Leviathans want to cure cancer' thing.

Charlie was really awesome, of course. I'm so happy they didn't go overboard on the 'nerd humor' because that is one of my least favorite things ever. Sam showing off his Harry Potter knowledge was so cute, and so was Dean's fond "Dumbledork" afterwards. I loved Dean's affection towards her, and telling her to imagine that it was Scarlett Johansson was PERFECT. Dean having to flirt with the security guard was awesome. I like to think that he has experience with that! And it made me happy that Sam got a few laughs out of it.

"If you can't score at a reproductive rights function, you simply cannot score." That is fabulous.

Also, I don't hate this Bobby storyline anymore. He kind of gets on my nerves lately, I do wish he was off the show but I think the vengeful spirit part is interesting.

In non-Supernatural related news I am getting really into South Park again! The last two episodes (the only ones I've seen from this season) have been awesome. Especially the ziplining one, it's probably one of my all time favorite episodes! The live-action part basically made my life, I can't get over it. And now for the past few days I've basically done nothing but read Stan/Kyle fic. It's like eighth grade all over again! :D

Oh and HAPPY NBA PLAYOFFS!! The Bulls are gonna win it allll.

s7, south park, ep reaction, spn

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