we'll drink drink drink and get drunk drunk drunk

Mar 30, 2012 23:17

I LOVED THIS EP!! I mean, I knew I was going to love it. It's about DEAN getting DRUNK and that's pretty much my favorite thing!!

Look at this pretty cap from the recap! Gahh.

  • Garth is basically hilarious and awesome! He's one of my favorite side characters and brings humor that SPN doesn't fail at! He cracked me up so consistently throughout the episode.
  • "You've been Garthed." That is actually perfect. I totally love his enthusiasm for hunting, and I bet that's why Sam and Dean grow to love him too.
  • My first thought when Dean got EMF on the body but Garth didn't (since I already knew what the ep was about) was that Dean's was able to pick it up because he had been drinking... but unfortunately that was not the case. 
  • I really like the way Dean says "douchebags."
  • Dean rubbed his eyes like he was tired!! AWWWW!!!! And he's like thinking out loud that's so cute. I just love when he says stuff.
  • "Dude, I just drank a whole beer. Of course I'm drunk." Garth is so precious and hilarious!
  • I really loved Dean's line about Tara Reid because the other day the Dean RP twitter account I follow mentioned American Pie so I started thinking about which of the American Pie girls Dean would think are hottest. If he doesn't love Alyson Hannigan I don't know what to do with him. I mean Tara Reid is cool too but Alyson Hannigan is the most adorable!!
  • ...Mr. Fizzles... 
  • Dean drinking to just "get in the zone" awwwww baby. ;_;
  • Them waving at the security camera was adorable.
  • "Can you even get drunk anymore? It's kind of like drinking a vitamin for you, right?" AWWWWWWWWWW ;_;
  • "It must have followed him to the place with all the thingies!" "Yes! Yes, that's smart." OH BOYS.
  • DEAN DRANK THAT ENTIRE THING. Holy crap. Wow. That looked like a shitload of alcohol to me. And it was powerful. DEAN!!
  • Loved Dean doing that makeshift sword blessing.
  • Clean-shaven, non-hallucinating Sam is attractive!! I forgot!
  • Dean looked so pretty and sad when he was calling out for Bobby...
  • I really want to know how Garth got into hunting (unless they told us earlier and I forgot?). He seems so non-traumatized. I really hope he never gets fucked over and jaded by the life like every other hunter does.
  • "Alright. So let's talk about it." THIS IS THE SAMMY I LOVE!!! Lovely little bossy!Sam interrogation. 
Aaand now for the parts of the episode I hated.
  • Whyyyy can't Sam's theory be correct? Why can't they just leave it at that? Yeah I knew that was probably the direction they were taking it in but I was hoping it wasn't. Ugh.
  • Why wouldn't Bobby make his presence known if he wanted to like he apparently does at the end of the ep??? He's apparently able to help them in whatever other ways he wants to... if he wanted Dean to know he was there, he totally could have. That ending made no sense whatsoever. 
  • Please do not bring Bobby back. I loved him, but his send off was perfect, the show needs to move on. His volunteering to become a ghost is completely out of character. 
  • I still looooved the episode in general I just hate the whole ghost!Bobby thing.
Let's end this reaction on a positive note with some fabulous Dean screenshots!

ETA: Let's also include a Brad/Nate cap because THEY ARE PERFECT BOYFRIENDS!!

s7, my life is embarrassing, ep reaction, dean/whiskey, spn

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