Update for 7/31/20

Jul 31, 2020 22:23

Whoops, I almost didn't post anything this month, and I apologize for that. I'm mainly apologizing to myself since very few people actually read this blog, but journaling is primarily for my own benefit so it's all good. :)

Speaking of benefits, I need to complete a simplified report to keep getting some from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. I'll do it online, but I really should get started on it because it's due by August 5th.

While I'm on the topic of food, I did some cooking this month. I made the Tortilla Dog recipe from "The Starving Students' Cookbook" a few times, but I only took a single photo of any of them: https://twitter.com/BikerWolfSDA/status/1285195339339829248

Now for some not-so-good news: My dad has been in the hospital for the past week. He had an appointment last Friday at Chabert Medical Center's Continuing Care Clinic in Houma, and they sent him to Thibodaux Regional Medical Center. After the TRMC staff examined him, he was transferred to Tulane Medical Center. His condition was worse than originally thought. In addition to the spinal stenosis, he had an abscess in his lower back that needed to be surgically removed. Then he was put on some antibiotics, and he developed a breathing problem that I don't remember how they said they treated. The last phone call I got (yesterday) asked me to consent to my dad getting a PICC line. That's a "peripherally inserted central catheter," and it's a simple procedure so I agreed to it. The Wikipedia article on the subject says that it's used when more than 2 weeks of treatments are needed, so I assume it'll be at least several more days before my dad comes home. It sounds like he's doing okay; not great, just okay.

I'm still able to get to the grocery store when I need to, thanks to friends and neighbors, and I'm kinda enjoying having the apartment to myself, but I do hope my dad gets well enough to return home before too long.
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