It seems that i need an architect. I am thinking about making an application for planning permission before they build next to me. Once people are living there i probably won't get it passed. Making the house bigger has been a dream of mine since i moved in here.
So. Do any of you know an architect who might draw me a plan up a bit cheaper than a firm?
In other news
. There are two local lads who like to kick a ball about in our street. This wasn't a problem at first, but then they started to get more unpleasant, cheeky and even distructive. Then a few weeks ago i saw one of them going into a house a few streets away, he doesn't know that yet. A ball came into my garden tonight and i got to it first, they ran off. Tomorrow i intend to take it around and leave it in the garden of the house. (Just hoping i'm not mistaken about which house.) If this doesn't work i may have to resort to knocking on the door, or phoning the number that Google kindly supplied for the address.