Feb 26, 2010 18:42
The weather is much nicer. How nice, you ask? Nice enough for the armadillos to be out foraging in the leaf litter of the "hundred acre wood". Lucky found a nice 20 pounder. He reports, for the record, armadillos are easy to kill, difficult to eat, but quite tasty. I've decided to take his word for it--never mind they are also referred to by some old-timers as "Hoover Hogs"--they don't look particularly suitable for the table to me.
Addendum: I mentioned to my brown dog that armadillos look fast and he snorted, "Like a rabbit with a broken leg and COPD is fast, yeah." Lucky tends to be sarcastic on occasions in which he is doing the work and I am sitting on a log in the sun.
I'll miss my daily walks with him while in Kansas.