Mar 14, 2005 09:10
Monday morning and as usual i havent made it to class yet. Im still recovering from yesterday, a wonderfull sunday i spent in boon chasing after old friends. Of corse i didint find sarah as i expected the moment i got in to town she stoped answering her phone but it wasnt a big deal. I spent the first part of the afternoon wondering around down town boon siping coffe and people waching as the first hours of spring crept in. A couple hours in to my stay i relized that i was never going to get a call back from ms. cruise so i headed over to campuse and suprised jack with a bowl. Jack prased the pot gods for my arival and we headed up to an abandoned fire tower to indulge a bit more. The drive was steep but the jeep had no problem making it up the old sirvice road. We passed a broken down ford ranger along the way and i, doing my best not to giggle, offerd any help we could give. Agitated perhaps but certainly nursing a dameged ego the ocupents of the ranger moved to the side and alowed us to pass. As we sat up at the old tower smoking away the afternoon a collection of egels and turky vultures made there aperance surfing the thurmals in the stil clean winter air apperently enjoing there taste of spring as well. It was a wonderfull thing to witness but prospects of all you can eat pizzia pulled us away. I made it in some time around 11 creeping through the front door and spent the night tossing and turning. On Saterday i am heading north to see my family in jersy as well as spending 4 nights in boston the modivation behind a 14 hour car trip with gordon and my grandmother. I have a week to get together a tape to drop off at berklee its a real shot in the dark but i figure it cant hurt to apply for scholorships for the summer. My life has been about the fufillment of my pipe dreams and i would always rather try than accept medocracy with out some sort of a fight.