vampires drink beer not blood!

Oct 16, 2006 12:32

Guess whos back, back again! :P

Been a while since ive posted and i guess a lots happened, surprise visit to darwin, fighting evil the evil forces of darkness at work, and oh yeh got into a bust up with a black dragon or 2! well ok maybe not all them things but i did go back to darwin for a surprise visit which was really really cool and i really really needed it.

but thats a long story and ill cover it in the next few nights. Currently im doing the vampire shift at work so im starting at dusk and finishing in the early hours of the morning. its cool caus its nice and relaxing but impacts on any social life with people i know in sydney..both at work and home :S But yeh i love my job its kind of cool, and the best bit bout nightshift is i dont get annoyed and distracted by people like in the day due to only having kurt and Billy around. Not to mention work pays for dinner :D last week was pizza one night where i got 1 all to myself, another night was chinese..and we even had hamburger and chips! but thats nothing compared to tonight where i had a a KFC burger combo and threw in a large popcorn chicken for fun caus its usually so expensive mwhahahahaha oh and there was beer in the fridge so now im slacking off writing LJ's and drinking beer hahahaha

anyhow next time ill cover the darwin trip, and how cool it was to see everyone and even meet new people too :P
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