I'm trying to fix up my community (
____triggerpull ) and the server keeps fucking up. DAMNITALL!
Ashley Gosselin spent the night last night because Winterfest was today so there was technically no school, we went and it was empty except for the Pod because everyone was on their feild trips. So we watched Napoleon Dynamite and Anchorman on the big projector and used the big popcorn machine and stuff.
Last night we talked a lot, and watched the full season two of the Simple Life on DVD. It was quite fun.
Sydney got a new bed, bunk-type, with a bed on the top and a futon on the bottom so I got her old mattress and boxspring. woot. no more feckin' rusty springs in the back. let alone the squeaking.
this jordan kid in the musical annoys the fuck out of me. he thinks he's this hotshot actor genius and bosses everyone around and tells them how to act and does these random monologues. i'll shoot him in the face with a rifle. i yelled at him the other day for bossing me around, the little fucking grade nine bastard. who the fuck does he think he is? when i was in grade nine i was scared shitless of seniors. i don't give a shit about hisfucking monolgues and they're not funyn and neither is he and he's such an attention whore and how DARE he tell me how to act. fuck him. i've probably acted on stage way more than he has, the pompous little ass. jesus. i'm not going to put up with any of his shit, seriously. if he annoys me, im not going to be nice and put up with it.
but yeah, the phone keeps calling, long distance, blokced number. bill collectors. i hang up on them, heh heh.
anyways. russell worked all day, the poor soul. i won't be able to spend time with him for long time. at least until 6 o'clock tommorrow. that's a long time to me. and it makes me sad.
oh well.
i'm cranky and agitated. grrr.