Jan 05, 2011 22:41
I'm guilty of writing far too infrequently on the old LiveJournal, but I have to admit that for format, it really beats Facebook if you want to write something long and verbose, and the forum is a little easier than Blogger or Wordpress. Apologies!
I've been sick the last two days- I left work after only two hours yesterday, and didn't go in today, but luckily the sore throat that had me down has disappeared- it was pretty bad, too. I could see that my tonsils were gigantically inflamed. And I think my left eardrum burst or something, but I don't feel too worried about it because right now it's not hurting, and the reason people go to the doctor for that is to be sure they haven't lost hearing. Lucky for me, I'm already completely deaf in that ear.
I've been making a list of 100 things I'd like to do in 1001 days. I know this is a really old project that a zillion people have done, but I think it will motivate me to do some things I sometimes put off. Some of these things are little, like embroidering something, and some are big, like visiting Reykjavik or getting married and having babies. Clearly, I have little control over whether those two things happen, but I would still like to put it on my list.
There is a lot to think about for my list!