I feel like I should update this thing.

Jul 14, 2011 18:17

It's been a while, so I'll ease myself into this by doing a list. Yay, lists. I love lists.


1. HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 2 - midnight showing tonight! I'm pretty excited. At this very moment, I'm trying to marathon the first seven movies. It's been pretty slow-going since I started yesterday, am terribly exhausted, and have the attention span of a gnat. So far I'm on Order of the Phoenix and I've been watching at 1.5x-2x speed since Prisoner of Azkaban just so I can get through them. Shit, these movies are long.

2. Seattle! Had a lovely time meeting tons of Dwiggies at DU:2011 (Spring, Wendy, Andrea, Tine, Maria, Jimmy, Meg, and Shem & Erin), drinking margaritas, eating delicious food (Spring's awesome tacos, Maria's fabulous tomato jam, Tine's speculoos, Beecher's mac & cheese, City Fish's Dungeness crab cocktail), shooting things at a shooting range (YOU GUYS, I SHOT SOME GUNS - the Glock might've been my favorite, even though I'm not terribly accurate, but it made satisfying bangs when I emptied the entire clip at Simon's insistence), spa-ing out, and of course some sightseeing. It was an excellent weekend filled with laughter, chickens, bees, huge ass dogs, and lots of cute kids.

3. Work :O I'm technically on break from my day job since it's summer holidays until the end of July. However, my mom is on vacation out of country, so I'm working 12 hr. shifts everyday until she comes back in like 2 weeks. I'M DYING. And then when she gets back, school starts up again and I have to deal with that all over again. Bleh.

That's about it for now. Man, I am so tired at the moment. I don't know if I'll even be conscious during HP7 tonight. I need a nap.
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