Even more proof of my questionable taste.

Sep 04, 2009 19:53

Is anyone else watching ABC's Defying Gravity? (AKA Ron Livingston's new TV show, infamously described as "Grey's Anatomy in space") It airs on Sundays at 10 PM. Apparently it's been on for like 5 weeks already, but I had no idea it had even started airing :P

Anyway, the basic premise is eight astronauts living aboard an international spacecraft on a mission through the solar system, who discover that their real assignment is not at all what they thought *cue ominous music* Mostly, it's a relationship drama with splashes of humor, told in real-time and through flashbacks, but for whatever reason the writers decided to thrown in some mysterious space intrigue, so there's a nameless Big Bad With An Agenda (à la Lost, I suppose).

I have to say, I really kind of like this show. It's not great great, but it's not terrible (mysterious space intrigue aside - I've watched up to episode 3 and I have a feeling the final reveal will be stupid). Plus, in addition to Ron Livingston, it has Laura Harris (Dead Like Me's Daisy) and Ty Olsson (BSG's Captain Kelly, Men in Trees's Sam, AKA Plow Guy!).

You can catch all the episodes so far on Hulu as well as the ABC website. However, I must warn you that there's talk that they might stop airing after 8 episodes (they ordered/shot 13), so we'll just have to wait and see. (This is most likely due to the terrible ratings, but honestly, ABC has only themselves to blame for this. I mean, who the fuck even knew this show was on already? I sure didn't, and I'm usually very current on entertainment news, so if something slips by me, it must've been really not obvious :O)


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