Oct 28, 2008 19:47
It feels like the weight of the world.
People in denial need to get the fuck out of it, admit their weaknesses get over it and get help.
Seriously, it's driving me absolutely fucking crazy, and not in a funny way.
Other than that. I perfected my cd for my uncle. He's given me two really awesome mixes so I've been owing him. Finally, it is done.
I am currently beyond broke. I hate being an adult. Cars are way overrated by the way, insurance bills, and gas fill-ups are not fun. Although I did spend 28 on a fill up as opposed to my usual whopping 36-40. That was nice to see.
I am going to be fire for Halloween. I was going to be a giraffe but the no money thing is a big big big influence on me choosing to wear my bikini and get painted by SALMs art teacher. Jonny is earth, V is water.
The next decision is sandals or stilettos. Sandals I will be comfy. Stilettos I will be a tad more provocative than I want to be. But stilettos are hot and fun to wear. Decisions Decisions.
I voted today, I became overwhelmed with nervousness while walking back to my car, I fucking pray that Mcain and Pailin lose. I cannot take 4 years of their rule. Not that Obama is a perfect candidate either, he is still a politician, but he is the MUCH lesser of the two evils. I hope to god Obama wins.
People are getting ridiculous in some places about this campaign I was bombarded by people trying to give me Mcain flyers, and other republican candidates flyers, it was a relief to reach the Police guarded line where campaigning was no longer allowed. 45 minute wait, not bad.
let's hope all goes well.