Well, I got my couple weeks of relaxing, time for things to get back to their normal level of insanity. On the to top the rest of the insane things list, as I'm sure you know if you pay any attention to Rich or Kat's journal, we're getting a house. It's in Lake Zurich, which is honestly farther north then I really wanted to be, but other then that it's perfect for us. I'm looking forward to doing the landscaping and setting up my garden there, as the yard is amazing. It does however mean that on the list of things do do in the next month and a halve we have added packing. Whee fun. :P
Also, GenCon is coming up. sooner then one might otherwise hope, but still it'll be fun, if exhausting as usual. I'm doing my normal give a couple classes, help out at the Paint and Take and do judging for the minis contest. I gotta catch up with people too because for the first time in many years I didnt go to Origins. Just wasnt up to it.
On the slightly more insane side there's a slight possibility I might be able to get a ticket for SanDiego ComicCon, which is a week and a half from now. I *really* want to go. With Elfquest's 30th Anniversary, and an ElfQuest Movie in the works, Wendy Pini is a guest of honor, Strazynski will be there, a billion other people it would be so cool to see.. So worth the exhaustion levels afterwards if I can pull it off. Of course if I can get a ticket I'm gonna need to figure out hotel arrangements. I'll almost definitely need to find people to stay with as otherwise the hotels are something ridiculous like $200 a night. Heh, anyone going? Yeah, I'll probably hit the Elfquest boards and see if I can find people to share with there. Chances are slim, but if it happens it'll be awesome.
Speaking of ElfQuest,
Digital EQ is moving along at a good pace. I'm a bit more then two months ahead of the release schedule in my scanning and I once more want to recommend that anyone at all interested in either fantasy or anime who hasnt done so go. Read. Enjoy. If you're confused about all the stuff that's there and are trying to figure out what order things go in here is my personal recommendation of where to start.