To my dear Lib-chan who is probably already inside an airplane on the way to the USA: Have a great trip! (And do come back unharmed, hun.)
Yesterday was the first day of school's second semester, and it was quite tiring already. xD Today our classes finished an hour earlier, so it wasn't that disturbing - which means we didn't get that hungry before it ended, heh. Teachers are already being really harsh with us, and they keep saying it's because we have less time this semester than we had in the first one. My head hurts just from the thought of having to study harder this month. *headdesk*
AH. I sucessfully watched Bandage! :D I spent all night from the 29th to the 30th downloading the whole movie again (and if I didn't, my sister would surely have killed me), and watched it together with
liiie and
gullycchi on the 30th. IT'S SO GOOD. I don't know if this is my Jin-biased opinion (and I personally don't think it is, since I've never been a fan of this smoker/alchoolic side of Jin's), but I truly loved the movie. Okay, I hated the main heroine with all my forces, but the rest was all amazing. I'm definitely going to watch it again sometime soon~ ♥
By the way, I don't see why people didn't like (or simply understand) the ending. I think it was perfect. (: And if you don't think it was clarifying, go exercise your imagination and make the rest up, yo.
The school coordinator said she likes my new haircut. Mary agrees with Gully that it looks like a chicken's rear at the back, though. xD