Apr 15, 2004 15:57
This year is winding to a close, and I must say...what a ride. I have made some truly wonderful friends, lost some along the way, and I believe I have started to make a lil niche for myself in the chaotic world in which we live. I have also changed. Some of it for the good, and some for the bad; but when you are in a situation where you interact with dozens of personalities completely different from your own, your bound to be influenced, impacted, and altered. I am thankful for every person I have met along this rollercoaster we call college. Thank you for all being different, some strange, but more than that... thank you for always being you. So in true tool style, I would like to make a few mentions of people:
Michael-My Lil Rainbow angel, Thank you for being my sanity these last few months, not only will I never forget your kindness to me, Ill never forget your kind heart. You are one of the most selfless and loving people I have ever met, and I though somedays I curse the heavens for their tricks on me, I definitely thank my stars for meeting you.. Love ya sweetie. "Single and Fabulous!!"
Tomo-Awww 'Shit the hell up'. You have been one of the cutest and most studious people I have ever met. I am proud of you for all the work you have done so that your college days have been a success. You are an awesome Jap, and I look forward to more hair cutting excursions in the future!
Brian- Your a crazy son of a bitch, ya know that. Thank you for all the laughs (especially the Jew fish, my personal favorite). You have been a blast to be around, and I have highly enjoyed all our chats on the way to class. I hope you do have a chance to open you lil summer camp (Im going to hell for that one), take care you big softie ;-).
Zac-From your lil shell last year, you have really opened up. I am going to miss our Monday OCC dates, and our adjacent table seatings. You have always made me laugh, and I am going to miss ya. GO BLUE!
Ox-Great Nickname...where'd ya get it? I am going to miss our ass slappin good times, and your 'tounge ring seduction faces'. I wish you all the best in your romances and life, and I look forward to our bonfires next year.
Ryan- Though our time spent together was very little, I still remember the long converstation we had. You've made me want to live my life a lil fuller, and stop to smell the flowers from time to time. I hope you continue to follow that 'road not taken', and live by Carpe Diem.
Peter- Thanks for all the lovin, and teasin this year. I think your grandmas cookie are single handedly responsible for my pudginess. All I can say to you is September Baby...September.
Lauren- Biatch! I hope you men issues work themselves out, remember your a hottie and they'd be lucky ot have ya. I guess I have only one message to leave you with... BOB IT!
Christina-Such good times this year. You have always been a doll to me, and I look forward to our many man issue filled chats in the future. Can't wait to party it up with ya next year, and hopefully with out a MIP this time!! Thanks for always being there for me...
DavetheRave-This has been a really hard year for both of us, but I will always remember you for all the laughs and smiles we've had. Though I was obviously expendable and replaceable, just know that I will always think of you, and I will never forget you. Good luck in all your California adventures, I wish you all the best. You were one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and the strangest, and I hope that you carry those qualities through all your days. I will truly miss you.
Kelly-Thanks for all the memories this year of your parties and just being around you. I wish we could have spent more time together this year, but we will just have to make it up next semester. Good luck in South Africa!
Dave- I am going to miss our tub-a-coke bonding. You made this years classroom experience amusing and loud. I hope you have a wonderful summer, and I hope you stay in touch. Keep telling the stupid people to fuck off, and being blatently brutally honest.
Nichole-Hey Roomie! We have had good times this year in and out of the classroom..I am looking forward to being wild and crazy all next semester with ya.
Alli & Kara- Good times, and long nights. Thanks for always being wild and crazy.
Melinda-Aww Lindy! Even last year you have been this wacky lil ray of sunshine in my life. Thank you for always being off the wall and loud and obnoxious in class with me. You are a psychotic cheerleader at heart, but I still luv ya...
T-I still remember bonding with ya, and your drunken crypt walkin..Good luck in all you do, and keep sporting the fuzzy clothes. ;-)
Tom-Good times all around. Thank you for being the sarcastic bastard you are. From the first week here, to the strip club, to drunken wakeups, to Friday Nights, to Raping me in poker, it has been quite memorable. I'm glad we had a chance to bond over our relationship quams, made me feel like someone else out there knew what I was dealin with. See ya next semester..just go with it!
KC-You crazy, face licking SOB. I still remember when I first met ya, and you walked up and licked me. This year has been a blast with you, and thank you for putting the image of you in a thong forever in my mind. Keep your tounge out of dirty places, and I hope you have a hella summer...
Jarod-Such a hot rodant. The poker nights have been a blast, and I hope you score some girl scout cookies (Sinner)...I look forward to losing my monies to you next semester. Thank you for always showin me your cards, and explainin the game.
Lisa-Aww my lil pretzel partner. The tumbling times have been a blast, and thank you for always being a cheerful spirit. You have been a joy to know, and I hope next year brings us more memories...
If I have forgotten anyone, I appologize... Thank ya all for an irreplaceable year. I look forward all the future escapades and drunken episodes. Have a wonderful summer....