
Feb 01, 2006 14:38

At this exact moment, I am sitting in teh CAll supposed to be doing my german hwk, but i came here and realised that I have none and there arent' any assignments posted on the web. so im typing. im also using a mac. i really like the whiteness of it. i also really want to change the look of my page, but honestly none even appeal to me. last night was supposed to be my ultimate game but the other team didnt show!! woot woot the weather was terrible, soo windy and rainy..i basically got dragged to teh field. after we won by default, me blair and clay went to the felicitas. tehy didnt id!!! we ended up getting 3 pitchers between us and i got kinda drunk. this morning i woke up soo thirsty wondering why i was so thirsty before i realised that i drank last night. im so smart. i think tihs afernoon is going to be dedicated to making the second part of my id. jesus i really dotn want to attend my art history tutorial. jyss what do you think? to go or not to go? most likely go cuz im a nerd. i just had a french test that went ok...which basically means i didnt do very well. french kicks my ass evertime. why the eff did i take it. god im supposed to complete way to many tasks tonight, i dont think it can be done:
-go shopping iwth lexi
-eat dinner early
-go the the gym at around 7
-make a resume
-apply for treeplanting
-read required story for english
i predict about half of that will get done.
k enough rambling

damn this mac, i dont know how to cut and paste without a right click button. i was going to leave you with a photo
to bad so sad.
Rebecca Miekeleen Patricia Stuivig de Groot
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