GermanWings flights to SJJ not started

Apr 04, 2007 11:20

Here is what the Sarajevo Airport has to say about the GermanWings connection from Cologne/Bonn:

German low-cost airline will not introduce previously announced direct flights Cologne/Bonn-Sarajevo. The operations were suspended because B&H Directorate of Civil Aviation did not issue a necessary licence to Germanwings. According to the existing interstate agreement, the agreed quota of operations has been fulfilled and there is no legal grounds for introduction of a new line. Passengers can only wait to see how this issue will be solved in the future.

and, in the local language...

Njemačka niskotarifna kompanija neće krenuti sa direktnim letovima Keln/Bon - Sarajevo kao što je najavljeno. Letovi Germanwings-a su stornirani jer Direkcija civilne avijacije BiH nije izdala potrebnu dozvolu za letenje ovoj aviokompaniji. Naime, prema važećem međudržavnom sporazumu dogovorena kvota letova je ispunjena i nema prostora za uvođenje nove linije.
Da li će i kada ova linija profunkcionirati, ostaje da se vidi.

travel, news, bosnia and herzegovina

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